Sunday, October 14, 2007

To my dear friends ( Journal #18 )

Actually, recently, my emotion is not really stable. I feel very weakness and hopeless. I can understand that people in the different stage will have their own task and we will have our own concerns. Even though I am doing some things that I am supposed to do, I still feel very untrue. Originally, in my home country, I had a pretty good job and very good salary. However, I quitted my job for pursuing a dream. No body knows if the dream will come true or not. Maybe, I can never reach the dream. Now I am standing on this place where I am pursuing for a long time, however, I start feeling fears. When I am struggling with the fears, they suddenly appear in my life. Who are they? Well, they are my dear friends. These friends are not all from my home country. Although they are from different country, they are just like my old friends. When I meet troubles, they will stand by me and support me without complaints.

Yesterday when I was talking to my friends, she told me that 2 months later, everything will change. Some of my friends will move to another state and some of them will transfer to another school or go back to their home country. Suddenly, I and my friend felt very sorrowful. Although we still have 2 more months can be together, we are still very sad because we all know that time won’t stop for any reasons or person. In my opinion, I hate any kind of short relationships and if I know that the relationship is short, then I won’t start. As I was falling into such kind of negative emotion, one of my friend reminded me that let us treasure the moment that we have now. She said that no matter which kind of relationships are, one day the relationships will still end. But if we can treasure this moment and create more memories between each other, we will never feel any regret and the memories will also be branded on our heart forever.

"C’est La Vie!”--- That is life. Now I still feel miserable for I am going to leave my friends, however, I will make more opportunities to hang out with my friends. This journal will be bestowed upon my dear friends; thank you for you guys always stand with me and support me when i am frustrated. I hope that you can understand how grateful I am and in my mind how important you are. Thank you my friends.


leinster said...

Your friend is wise indeed. Live today, not yesterday, nor tomorrow, for yesterday has passed, and tomorrow may never come. I do feel special to see the kind of bond you have made with the girls in the class.

Bonnie said...
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Bonnie said...

T-T ... I start to miss all of you although we still have another two monthes.
Before I came here, my parents and my boss all thought I was crazy. I had a good job and salary. I did not need to haggle over every penny like now. However, I knew that's my life and I want to chase my dream here. Undoubted, the two monthes is the most happiest experience in my life so far. Everyday I meet new friends, different culture, different food, and so on. I have surprises everyday and I learn how to express my feelings.
When I was in Taiwan, I never thought of that I am fortunate to know so many good friends. Friendly, thoughful, wonderful ... I wish I know more vocabularies to express your kindness. I believe I will smile (maybe laugh out, wowhahaha) when I will think of you many years later. One day when your ears feel itchy, that means I am missing you. Maybe you could leave your msn account (or other contact way) after you read Vicki's journal if you do treasure the relationship like us. Don't forget to be often on-line. I don't want to bother you but let me know you are fine whenever and wherever you are.