Friday, August 31, 2007

Joan Didion (Journal #2)

I remember that when I was 12 years old, I got a diary as my birthday gift that was from my mother. She encouraged me to write diaries for I can record each important memory. Because of my mother, I tried to write diaries even I did not have anything that I really wanted to record. As time goes on, gradually, I felt that to write diaries was a bore. The worst thing was that I did not know what I can write.
Edward Robb Ellis said: “We don not like writing diaries because we don not think our life is important enough.” I think he is right. Because at that time, I really think that my life is dull and uninteresting. Actually, that is a reason why I can’t write.

Everybody wants their life to be colorful and meaningful. If we don’t think our life is important, well, we should do some meaningful things to decorate and irrigate our arid soul and life. By writing diaries, we can review our life, and realize the value of existence. When we are writing the dairies, unknowingly, our spirit and life have already been changed silently.
Besides, most of time, we usually live in other people's world. When we are in the childhood, we always follow the steps that made from our parents, and we rarely do something that we really want to do. However, as we are living in the writing world, at that time, we are the master. We can choose which life we really want.

So, that is how the predisposition can readily influence people ----unobtrusively and imperceptibly.

1 comment:

leinster said...

Now that you realized the value of writing, I look forward to reading more of it.