Thursday, September 6, 2007

My dear Dr. Hung (Journal # 4)

As usual, hospital is full of smell of disinfectant. As usual, I went to the ward in order to assess patients, but this time, I can’t hear the footstep from Dr. Hung any more.

2 years ago, when I worked in the hospital the same conversation from Dr. Hung and I were repeating everyday. “Dr. Hung, does room 32 Mr. Chang’s diet need to change to low sodium diet? Because he has hypertension and diabetes” and “Can we remove the room 42-1 Mrs. Wang’s wound stitch?” I asked. “Oh my lovely Kuo- Hui (my Chinese name), thank you for your reminding. You are so attentive, after I check the patients’ condition and I will tell you my decisions.” Dr. Hung answered.
Dr. Hung has worked in the hospital almost for 30 years. He always checked patients’ condition twice or third times a day no matter how busy he was or how bad the weather was. He came to hospital every morning and evening constantly. This behavior is just like a ritual and it can’t be changed by any reasons.

One year ago, I already quitted my job. One day, my colleague told me that Dr. Hung got sick. “He keeps coughing, but we can’t find the reasons that make him cough. We suspect that maybe he is infected by T.B (a kind of lung disease).” My colleague said. "Did he check the lung X-RAY?” I asked. Colleague answered “Yes, but the result is normal.” At that time, both of us were worried about Dr. Hung.
After 2 weeks later, that is, on November, 2006, the answer emerged. “He got the cardiac (heart) cancer and he is in the terminal stage.” My colleague called me. "What? Are you kidding me? It’s not funny.” I suspected the answer. “It’s true! The cancer cell has already metastasized to whole body.” My colleague yelled me.
However, I can’t answer her any words because my brain suddenly blanked out.

One day, I went to hospital to visit him silently. When I was walking to the ward, suddenly I felt very scared. I was afraid that he couldn’t recognize me any more because during the time his brain was already affected by cancer cell. I thought that I can’t stand the truth that he will forget me. Finally, I knocked the door and entered the room. I can’t believe that the man who sat on the sofa is Dr. Hung. He looked very pallid and his hair was almost gone because of the chemotherapy.
"Do you remember me?” I tried to ask the question that I am afraid of.
"Kuo-Hui !!” he said. Until heard the answer, I can just put down the stone from my heart. 1month later, he passed away. Although I knew his condition very well, I still can’t help bawling loudly. Dr. Hung died on March, 2006. From knowing the disease to him passing away, it totally took 4 months. Only 4months.

It takes women 10 months to bear a baby; however, it just takes 4 months to destroy a person. "Is it fair ??” That was my first time to question GOD. Dr. Hung was a great doctor that I have never met. He treated me as his daughter. For me, he was not only a teacher but also a father. Unknowingly, my tears running down my face and now I can't write any more.
I just want to say "I will always be missing you, my dear Dr. Hung."

That is Dr. Hung’s true story.


Natasha said...
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leinster said...

That is sad. I also lost my father-in-law to cancer. It was the saddest experience, but I also know that God loves time, so he is in better place now.