Sunday, September 23, 2007

An important person (Journal #10)

As we live in this world, everyday we will meet numerous different types of people. Some of them, we will easily forget, but others, sometimes we just can’t leave them behind because those people have already implanted in our heart deeply. Such kinds of people are existent; however, as time goes on, we will usually forget unintentionally.
Hoever, there is a person who influences me very much. Before this journal, I almost forget the importance of the person. He is my father. I am not saying that I forget my father. I just mean that I feel too familiar with him to remember his importance.

I came from a usual family. My mother was a teacher and my father was a general in army. As people knew that my father was a general, they always thought that my family discipline must be very strict. Such as I have to weak up very early for doing morning exercise or my grade must be very outstanding otherwise I would accept very serious punishment. However, those were not truth. In the contrast, my father treated me and my sister as we were princesses. Since childhood my father always told us that we should be honest and should be careful for doing everything. If you asked me to provide an example, I would say that the person would be my father. Just like I mentioned, my father served in the army. As a general, he taught the soldiers must devote themselves to the army and do their best in their position. When my father was in the army, he always was the first people to get in the departments and was the last person to leave the departments. A lot of time he couldn’t go home for he had to stay in the army in order to supervise some maneuvers. As the maneuvers were over, he would give the soldiers some rewards for encouraging them. My father was accustomed to doing everything by himself yet he loved to help others heartily. He often told me that he had nothing that was worth flaunting but incorruption.

Because of my father, I always reminded myself that I had to be honest and to be industrious. Actually, because I followed my father’s directions, I indeed gained a lot of praise from my friends, colleagues, and my supervisors. I think that my father’s life is a best example to let me know which kinds of person that I want to be. For me, learning his life and conduct is just like studying a great and useful book. That is how my father influences me to be a better person.

1 comment:

leinster said...

"I feel too familiar with him to remember his importance."

This usually happens and we then tend to take them for granted, don't we? I'm glad you wrote about your father.