Saturday, October 13, 2007

The mirror has two faces ( Journal #16 )

In the nowadays, there are numerous movies around us. Actually, I love to watch movies and I am used to watching movies for I can vent my negative feelings. One of my favorite movies is “The Mirror Has Two Faces.” This movie was published in 1996. The director is Barbra Streisand and she is also one of a main character in this movie. This movie is mainly talking if the appearance of women can affect a relationship. Barbra in this movie was playing a professor of university. She always thought that her appearance was not good. In other words, she felt herself was not beautiful. Until her Mr. Right appeared, she just realized that actually, the appearance probably will not mean anything.

I love the movie because I have the same feelings with the character that Barbra plays. I saw that a lot of people around me always pursuit or focus on the appearance of people. Sometimes, they don’t really care about the person’s characteristic; they just only focus on their exterior appearance. Gradually, I felt that I was influenced by those who were around me as well. I lost my confidence for I didn’t have a beautiful appearance. I started paying more attention on my clothing and hairdo, yet I forgot to strengthen the things I had already. I kept blindly seeking some intangible things. For instance; I spent a lot of money on my clothes, shoes, and accessories, however, I didn’t buy some good books to rinse my arid empty soul. Until I saw the movie, I suddenly noticed that when I was seeking those untouchable things, I was also losing some truly important things. Because of this movie, I started reviewing my life and tried to correct my attitude in time. Now I still keep pursuing some things that will make me become more attractive, but I also realize that only when I am full of self-confidence I can just become the person who I am pursuing. I mean ---- Beauty.

1 comment:

leinster said...

I am glad that a movie like this can make such an impact on you. Yes, physical appearance happen to be one of those that we can't have forever (we'll all get older and ugly), yet it is where we invest most of our money on.